A downloadable game for Windows

Leonard and The Barren Kingdom, is a adventure platformer based in a Kingdom that was ravaged by monsters and is full of horrors. Left abandoned by everyone it waits patiently for its first visitor in years. One Dog however is not afraid of that as with the danger comes and opportunity to become rich from the Kingdoms lost fortune, but will that really be what he wants?

Leonard and The Barren Kingdom includes 3 full stages of gameplay, the mountain region, underground mines and main village, all with different and original bossfights!


*Note some changes have been made since this footage was made*

The game includes:

  • About 30-45 minutes of playtime.
  • 7 original soundtracks.
  • 3 different game sections each with a boss fight.
  • 5 cinematic cutscenes

You like the music?

The Soundtrack was composed by a proffesional music creator C-Mainasu


Leonard and The Barren Kingdom, is my first attempt at making a complete video game with proper lore and a professionally made soundtrack. It's made in 32x32 pixel artstyle that makes 2 the size of any past project I did. It will have different sections with new elements per each sections, as well as boss fights. The game having a lore will of course have cutscenes to present it in a beatiful stylized way with a good amount of lines of dialouge.



Leonard 2 ATBK.zip 94 MB

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